Manuscripts (arXiv, GoogleScholar)
The many faces of a logarithmic scheme. With T. Poiret.
Logarithmic tautological rings of the moduli spaces of curves. With R. Pandharipande, J. Schmitt, and P. Spelier.
Combinatorics of Hurwitz degenerations and tropical realizability. With M. Lam and C.K. Ng.
Logarithmic negative tangency and root stacks. With L. Battistella and N. Nabijou.
Counting curves on P1xP1: computation & polynomiality properties. With D. Corey and H. Markwig.
Logarithmic enumerative geometry for curves and sheaves. With D. Maulik. In Cambridge Journal of Mathematics.
Logarithmic Donaldson-Thomas theory. With D. Maulik. In Forum of Mathematics, Pi.
Logarithmic Gromov-Witten theory and double ramification cycles. With A. Urundolil Kumaran. In Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik.
Pluricanonical cycles and tropical covers. With R. Cavalieri and H. Markwig. In Transactions of the AMS.
A case study of intersections on blowups of the moduli of curves. With S. Molcho. In Algebra & Number Theory.
Tropical and logarithmic methods in enumerative geometry. Book from Oberwolfach Seminar Series in 2021. With R. Cavalieri and H. Markwig.
Tropical geometry forwards and backwards. Expository Feature Article for the Notices of the AMS.
Gromov-Witten theory via roots and logarithms. With L. Battistella and N. Nabijou. In Geometry & Topology.
Logarithmic Gromov-Witten theory with expansions. In Algebraic Geometry.
Gromov-Witten theory and invariants of matroids. With J. Usatine. In Selecta Mathematica.
Gromov-Witten theory with maximal contacts. With N. Nabijou. In Forum of Mathematics, Sigma.
Curve counting in genus one: elliptic singularities & relative geometry. With L. Battistella & N. Nabijou. In Algebraic Geometry.
Brill-Noether theory for curves of a fixed gonality. With D. Jensen. In Forum of Mathematics, Pi.
Curve counting on toric surfaces: tropical geometry & the Fock space. With R. Cavalieri, P. Johnson, & H. Markwig. In Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
Rational curves in the logarithmic multiplicative group. With J. Wise. In Proceedings of the AMS.
Moduli of stable maps in genus one & logarithmic geometry II. With K. Santos-Parker & J. Wise. In Algebra & Number Theory.
Moduli of stable maps in genus one & logarithmic geometry I. With K. Santos-Parker & J. Wise. In Geometry & Topology.
Topology of tropical moduli of weighted stable curves. With A. Cerbu, S. Marcus, L. Peilen, & A. Salmon. In Advances in Geometry.
Motivic Hilbert zeta functions of curves are rational. With D. Bejleri & R. Vakil. In Journal of the Institute of Mathematics, Jussieu.
Incidence geometry and universality in the tropical plane. With M. Brandt, M. Jones, & C. Lee. In Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A.
Logarithmic Picard groups, chip firing, and the combinatorial rank. With T. Foster, M. Talpo, & M. Ulirsch. In Mathematische Zeitschrift.
Skeletons of stable maps II: superabundant geometries. In Research in the Mathematical Sciences.
A note on Brill-Noether existence for graphs of low genus. With S. Atanasov. In Michigan Mathematical Journal.
A graphical interface for the Gromov-Witten theory of curves. With R. Cavalieri, P. Johnson, & H. Markwig. In Algebraic Geometry: Salt Lake City 2015.
Tropical Hurwitz numbers. With H. Markwig. Appendix to A First Course in Hurwitz theory by Cavalieri and Miles.
Enumerative geometry of elliptic curves on toric surfaces. With Y. Len. In Israel Journal of Mathematics.
Degenerations of toric varieties over valuation rings. With T. Foster. In Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Skeletons of stable maps I: rational curves in toric varieties. In Journal of the London Mathematical Society. *
Superabundant curves and the Artin fan. In International Mathematics Research Notices. *
Hahn analytification and connectivity of higher rank tropical varieties. With T. Foster. In Manuscripta Mathematica.
Toric graph associahedra and compactifications of M0,n. With R. Ferreira da Rosa & D. Jensen. In Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
Realization of groups with pairing as Jacobians of finite graphs. With L. Gaudet, D. Jensen, N. Wawrykow, & T. Weisman. In Annals of Combinatorics.
Tropical compactification and the Gromov-Witten theory of P1. With R. Cavalieri & H. Markwig. In Selecta Mathematica.
Moduli spaces of rational weighted stable curves and tropical geometry. With R. Cavalieri, S. Hampe, & H. Markwig. In Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
Tropicalizing the space of admissible covers. With R. Cavalieri & H. Markwig. In Mathematische Annalen.
Brill-Noether theory of maximally symmetric graphs. With T. Leake. In European Journal of Combinatorics.
Gromov-Witten theory of P1xP1xP1. With D. Karp. In Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra.
Toric Symmetry of CP3. With D. Karp, P. Riggins, & U. Whitcher. In Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.
* indicates local version contains minor corrections or changes since the publication.
Skeletons, degenerations, & Gromov-Witten theory. 2016 Doctoral thesis, Yale University.
Gromov-Witten theory of blowups of toric threefolds 2012 Undergraduate thesis, Harvey Mudd College.
The Hilbert scheme in logarithmic geometry, after Kennedy-Hunt. My Oberwolfach report for the 2023 workshop on recent trends in algebraic geometry.
Tropical curve counting and double ramification cycles. My Oberwolfach report for the 2023 workshop on tropical geometry.
Two simple toric geometry cartoons. I noticed two toric pictures I like, one about the twisted cubic and another about the adjunction formula.
Logarithmic Gromov-Witten cycles from toric varieties. I explain how to generalize results with Molcho in our 2021 paper on toric contact cycles.
There and back again: a tale of expansions in Gromov-Witten theory. My Oberwolfach report for the 2019 workshop on logarithmic enumerative geometry and mirror symmetry.
Analytification and tropicalization over Z. I establish Sam's inverse limit over the integers. I never found an application, but take a look at this for inspiration.
Toric Severi degrees are logarithmic Gromov-Witten invariants. Sam asked me if the logarithmic GW invariants of toric surfaces were enumerative.
The well-spacedness equation. Proves Speyer's realizability theorem tropical curves via deformation theory. It is self-contained but substantially subsumed by this.